FAIRshare Dataset
AEDIT s.r.l.2021
OsareDSS is a digital service to support advisors and farmers in smart olive growing, that provides: (i) a tool to access the data of olive fly infestation collected by local advisors; (ii) a tool for the participatory monitoring of olive fly infestation, using a simplified method for farmers (in their own olive groves); (iii) daily temperature and rainfall data from agrometeorological stations located in small olive farms in the South of Tuscany; (iv) models, both using traditional techniques and Artificial Intelligence, to estimate the risk of olive fly infestation and the dynamic of infestation (e.g., phenology and mortality of olive fly); (v) “Aeco DSS”, a decision support system which elaborate balances to define optimal irrigations and fertilizations (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Aeco allows the user to create and save farm centres and fields. In each field it is possible to enter soil characteristics, management practices useful for the soil nutrient balance and crop information, such as the expected yield. OsareDSS is available both as a web site and as an app.
- Italy
- Italian
- Real time monitoring & Decision support
Target groups
- Farmers/Cooperatives
- Agronomists/Advisory services
- Fruits and vines
Modes of delivery
- Web app
Source of data
- Manual input
- IoT installed devices
Required ICT skills

- Increase of productivity
- Improvement of yield quality
- Optimization of resources use
- Environmental protection
- Minimization of input costs
- Efficient strategy planning
- Labour saving / Limit stress / Increase farmer’s leisure time
- Better interaction between farmer and advisor
Challenges addressed
- Plant protection management
- Water management
- Nutrition/Fertilisation management
- Strategic planning