smartAKIS Dataset

A general algorithm for automated scheduling of drip irrigation in tree crops

Tree crops

Casadesús, J.; Mata, M.; Marsal, J.; Girona, J.

Judicious irrigation necessitates development of technologies that apply the precise amount of water demanded by crops. The goal is to schedule irrigation according to the particular requirements of each orchard and to the variability encountered during the season caused by weather conditions, canopy development and other factors. For supporting a precise and low labour management of irrigation here we propose and depict an algorithm that coordinates seven automatable tasks: (1) estimation of irrigation needs, (2) adaptation to a particular irrigation setup, (3) execution of the schedule, (4) soil and/or plant monitoring, (5) interpretation of sensor data, (6) reaction to occasional events and (7) tuning the model of irrigation needs. This is illustrated with three examples from a peach orchard where a software tool implementing the algorithm was configured to manage irrigation under different strategies. They included two alternative methods for estimating the crop water needs: a typical water balance based on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and a variation based on the measurement of solar radiation intercepted by the canopy. They also included two types of sensors for feedback: soil water probes and dendrometers, the latter for applying regulated deficit irrigation.


  • European Union


TRL 4 (technology validated in lab)




  • Reacting or variable rate technology
  • Farm Management Information System application or App

Technology effect on

  • irrigation