smartAKIS Dataset


Arable crops Tree crops Open field vegetables Vineyards

SONEA Ingeniería y Medio Ambiente S.L.

AGRODETEC is a line of services based on remote sensing designed to improve the management of crop farms in both rainfed and irrigated areas, by monitoring them over the cycle or campaign length. The AGRODETEC services are based on periodic multispectral images that come from both satellites and UAVs. These images are corrected radiometrically and atmospherically, eliminating clouds, mists and shadows, and delivered to the user accompanied by a personalized report. Farmers, agricultural advisors or agricultural entities, which can be incorporated into the services of their own geo-referenced data, receive objective and real-time information that also allows them to be geolocated in the field with the mobile phone, facilitating fieldwork and making decisions. The different services that make up AGRODETEC son: Zoning of soil; Detection of conditions or failures in rainfed / irrigated areas; Harvest strategy; Studies of crops in previous campaigns; Weeds for large areas and herbicide efficiency; Weed mapping; Birth control. The delivery format and the distribution channel are adapted to each user according to their needs. Users also have their own space in the cloud to access all the information from the computer or from the mobile through an APP.


  • European Union
  • Spain


TRL 9 (actual system proven in operational environment)




  • Recording or mapping technology
  • Farm Management Information System application or App

Technology effect on

  • fertilization
  • weed control
  • irrigation