FAIRshare Dataset
Animal Welfare scan - Dierenwelzijnsscan
ILVO, Boerenbond2019
There is a self-scan per animal species (cattle, pigs, poultry) and per industry (for cattle: dairy cattle and beef cattle). Good animal welfare is achieved by complying with the 'five freedoms'. The welfare app contains indicators for each of these freedoms: Free from hunger & thirst Free of inconvenience Free from pain, injury & illness Free to show normal behavior Free from anxiety and chronic stress. The first part of the scan (tile GENERAL) can be completed by the cattle farmer at his desk. This involves questions about housing, breed and various key figures. In addition, there are the scans for the barn itself. After completing the questionnaire, the farmer will automatically receive a report by e-mail. This also contains the welfare radar (see figure). It shows various welfare indicators on a scale from 0% (very poor) to 100% (very good). The farmer also receives more information online about possible risk factors (www.dierenwelzijnscan.be). He can then discuss with the farm veterinarian which measures may be applied to improve animal welfare. If the scan is taken at regular intervals (e.g. twice a year), the evolution of the animal welfare level on the farm can also be monitored. The effect of management changes on animal welfare can also be investigated. In addition, if there is sufficient participation, members of The Farmers Union of Flanders can compare their scores with those of fellow farmers. Of course, this is completely anonymous.
- Belgium
- Dutch
- Analysis & Benchmarking
- Real time monitoring & Decision support
Target groups
- Farmers/Cooperatives
- Agronomists/Advisory services
- Animal production in general
Modes of delivery
- Mobile app
Source of data
- Manual input
Required ICT skills

- Efficient strategy planning
- Effective operational management
- Control of animal health problems
Challenges addressed
- Improving animal care
- Livestock stock management (movements/health/fertility/production)
- Strategic planning
- Operational management focus