FAIRshare Dataset
Electronic Record of Transactions and Operations (RETO)
Electronic recording of transactions and operations (RETO): In accordance with the provisions of article 25 of Royal Decree 1311/2012 of 14 September, which establishes the framework for action to achieve sustainable use of plant protection products, MAPAMA has created a computer application to facilitate compliance by the sector through the Electronic Record of Transactions and Operations with Plant Protection Products (RETO). This application allows for the registration of information in real time, making it possible to guarantee at all times an integral traceability of the supply chain of phytosanitary products, as well as providing management utilities to the users of the computer application. To be able to use RETO, the first step that users must do is to proceed to SELF-REGISTRATION in the application. The operator who intends to use RETO must be previously registered in the Official Register of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Products (ROPO), regulated in chapter X of Royal Decree 1311/2012, of September 14, in the supply sector or in the treatment sector.
- Spain
- Basque
- Catalan
- Spanish
- E-applications & Regulations
Target groups
- Suppliers
- Industry/manufacturing
- All agricultural sectors
Modes of delivery
- Web app
Source of data
- Administrative 3rd party services
Required ICT skills

- Environmental protection
- Effective operational management
- Limit human exposure to chemicals
Challenges addressed
- CAP management
- Operational management focus
- Work safety