smartAKIS Dataset

On Plant Detection of Intact Tomato Fruits Using Image Analysis and Machine Learning Methods

Yamamoto, K.; Guo, W.; Yoshioka, Y.; Ninomiya, S.

In this study, we aimed to develop a method to accurately detect individual intact tomato fruits including mature, immature and young fruits on a plant using a conventional RGB digital camera in conjunction with machine learning approaches. The developed method did not require an adjustment of threshold values for fruit detection from each image because image segmentation was conducted based on classification models generated in accordance with the color, shape, texture and size of the images. The results of fruit detection in the test images showed that the developed method achieved a recall of 0.80, while the precision was 0.88. The recall values of mature, immature and young fruits were 1.00, 0.80 and 0.78, respectively.


  • European Union


TRL 5 (technology validated in relevant environment)




  • Recording or mapping technology

Technology effect on

  • harvesting
  • scouting of crop and/or soil