smartAKIS Dataset

Smart detection of pests using optical and acoustic sensor networks - SDOP

Prozone doo Novi Sad

SDOP is the solution for identifying rodents and harmful lepidoptera in fields at the optimal moment, before their overproduction. It enables fast and affordable remote detection of pests on large agricultural fields using combination of optical and acoustic detectors. By deploying acoustic detectors in the soil and above the ground and combining the measured values with the visible and infrared video feeds from drones, the decision if the area is affected with pests is made. The detection methods can be adopted to other types of pests depending on the geographical regions, type of crops or other parameters.


  • Serbia


TRL 9 (actual system proven in operational environment)




  • Recording or mapping technology
  • Reacting or variable rate technology
  • Farm Management Information System application or App

Technology effect on

  • pesticide application
  • pest and disease control
  • scouting of crop and/or soil