smartAKIS Dataset
Vinduino R3 Sensor Station
The Vinduino R3 sensor station is designed for optimizing agricultural irrigation, aimed at saving up to 25% irrigation water. Features: Open source microcontroller based 4 soil moisture sensors included Globalsat LoRa module for long range Digital temperature sensor Solar battery charger Real time clock for sleep mode power saving and precise irrigation timing Load switch for custom actuators or sensors that require electric power The Vinduino sensor station is designed for continuous unattended operation. It is powered by a small solar panel, and the battery charger maintains a Li-ion battery fully charged, to keep the system working during the night and during periods with dense cloud cover. Vinduino also developed a low-cost soil water tension sensor, based on porous ceramic technology. The Vinduino field sensor station is designed to support 4 low-cost soil moisture sensors, recommended is to have two sensors installed within the plant’s root zone, and one sensor to detect soil moisture below the root zone. For grape vines, the recommended sensor installation depths are one foot, 2 feet, 3 feet, and 4 feet for the drainage sensor.
TRL 9 (actual system proven in operational environment)
- Recording or mapping technology
Technology effect on
- fertilization
- irrigation
- scouting of crop and/or soil