FAIRshare Dataset


Sustainability Innovation Education Information exchange Knowledge transfer Farming Agro digitalization

IPS Konzalting2022

e-OPG is a digital platform which was developed as part of the UC „Smart Sustainable Farming for Young Agro entrepreneurs“. Development of the digital platform has great importance for all stakeholders in the agricultural sector, including young farmers and women farmers, agricultural advisors, AKIS users, policy makers, but also the general public. The platform was developed based on the Austrian model, DATS „My Farm – My Way“. The digital platform contains an overview of innovative and sustainable agricultural projects and farms in Croatia, a calendar overview of activities in the agricultural sector, knowledge transfer through articles and webinars, an overview of FAIRshare project applications, networking tool, training of agricultural advisors, and various webinars and farminars.Topics on which the platform will focus are those detected by the European Commission as being key within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), namely: • organic farming, • implementation of sustainable technologies, • short supply chains, • common market organisation and digitalisation of the agricultural sector. The objectives of the digital platform “e-OPG”: • to facilitate innovation, networking and education, • create a space where innovative farms and sustainable agricultural business models are an inspiration to other farmers, • exchange relevant information and knowledge towards farmers, but also among advisors.


  • Croatia


  • Croatian






  • Text, mobile phones, email
  • Radio, TV, Infographics
  • Training, learning
  • E-applications & Regulations

Target groups

  • Agronomists/Advisory services
  • Policy makers
  • Suppliers


  • All agricultural sectors

Modes of delivery

  • Web app

Source of data

  • Manual input

Required ICT skills



  • Increase of productivity
  • Optimization of resources use
  • Environmental protection
  • Biodiversity preservation
  • Task scheduling / Time management
  • Labour saving / Limit stress / Increase farmer’s leisure time
  • Better interaction between farmer and advisor
  • Enhanced adaptation & resilience to climate change

Challenges addressed

  • Compliance with legislation and standards
  • CAP management
  • Strategic planning
  • Finance and budgeting
  • Sustainable food production and healthy diets
